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Audio to Video Pravachan

Aug 31, 2022 8:23 PM

New Audio Pravachan from Gyayak Bhav, Pujya Gurudevshri Kanjiswami's pravachan on Shri Samaysar Gatha 6 added to YouTube. These Pravachan are from March 1999.

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अवलोकन – आत्मानिरीक्षण की अनूठी कला।
Avlokan – the art of self realization
The word 'Avlokan' is of Sanskrit origin and it means Careful Observation in English.
Here, we present the teachings of Pujya Shri Devchand bhai, who showed us the path of Salvation that was enlightened by His Guru – Pujya Kanjiswami, Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra, Pujya Benshree Champaben, Pujya Nihalchand Soganiji and many other Enlightened Souls.

अवलोकन – आत्मानिरीक्षण की अनूठी कला।
Avlokan – the art of self realization

Avlokan (meaning- careful observation) is the art of understanding the true being of self with the objective of attaining Moksh (Salvation) & thus ending the cycle of life and death. Salvation is the state of eternal peace. The knowledge of attaining this self realized eternal peace is bestowed upon us by Tirthankaras (Sarvagna Jinendra Bhagwan).

This knowledge is precisely documented in Jinaagams by Pujya Acharyas enabling many great souls to follow this path & attain the state of enlightenment.The true essence of Jinaagams can be understood under the guidance of the enlightened Souls (gyani mahatmas). We are fortunate that we could compile the Pravachans of the enlightened Soul of Pujya Shri Devchand bhai (Pujya Dev Guruji) on this site.

In the quest for eternal peace, Pujya Shri Devchand bhai became an ardent disciple of Pujya Gurudevshri Kanjiswami. Nothing could deter His devotion towards the Spiritual goal of eternal peace. With the blessings of Pujya Gurudevshri Kanjiswami He accomplished his goal & gained immense knowledge of Jinagams & spiritual books written by other Gyani mahatmas. The influence of the teachings of Gyani mahatmas like Pujya Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandraji, Pujya Benshree Champaben, Pujya Shri Nihalchand Soganiji & His Guru – Pujya Gurudevshri Kanjiswami is evident in His pravachans.

Pujya Shri Devchand bhai manifested the path of Avlokan based on his learnings from Patrank No.108 of Pujya Srimad Rajchandraji's Vachnamrut. Avlokan is indeed the straightforward path to self realization. Pujya Dev Guruji's use of simple relatable language to explain the Jinaagams & His practical teachings inspired many Mumukshus to embark upon the path of Sanatan Jain Dharma.

It’s the preachings of Pujya Dev Guruji through which we can enlighten our Soul & realize the eternal truth. Nothing in this world is precious enough to be offered in return to His selfless compassion.

Inspiring & benefiting one & all in their pursuit of eternal peace is the only intention behind creating this site. We are sure, Souls who are in truthful pursuit of eternal peace will relate to the teachings of Pujya Dev Guruji.

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राग-द्वेष बंद हो जावे तो अच्छा ऐसा विकल्प स्वयं निर्विकल्पता के प्रति राग और विकल्प के प्रति द्वेष है। अतः राग-द्वेष को सिर्फ़ देखो। हटाने की कोशिश मत करो। क्रोध से नुक़सान मानना क्रोध के प्रति द्वेष है। भक्ति से लाभ मानना भक्ति के प्रति राग है। वास्तव में न क्रोध से नुक़सान है, न क्षमा से लाभ है।

दोषों का अवलोकन नहीं करना नुक़सान है और सिर्फ़ अवलोकन करना लाभ है।

Avlokan – Atma Nirikshan ki Anoothi Kala
Pujya Shri Devchand Bhai